Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mezmerizing Song Birds

mes·mer·ize (mez' me-riz')
tr.v. mes·mer·ized, mes·mer·iz·ing, mes·mer·iz·es
1. To spellbind; enthrall:
2. To hypnotize.

Alright! I am starting to settle in here in California, and feel that things have fallen into place perfectly so far. I am working at Scripps Encinitas on a Surgical Acute floor and doing well, and learning alot. I'm going to blog here more I think since I am so terrible about keeping in touch with people. I opened up a facebook account and am opened up to the world of social networking.

So I have this blog and NEVER use it. If you want to know whats going on in my life I think this blog would be better. It can be a full time job blogging, facebooking, myspacing, emailing... etc.. ( and i completely refuse to even go to twitters website or reading anything about it)

Here's a little tid bit insight into my life, which hopefully this blog accomplishes from time to time....

I came home from work this morning (I work 7pm to 7am) I was standing outside my house while the cat was playing at my feet rubbing himself on me. Now... I have given this cat every opportunity to hate me, and he just keeps coming back me for some kind of affection. ?????
Well suddenly, the cat looked up in the sky. I looked to see what he was looking at, and realized that he was looking at the top of a tree. There was this little bird. I don't know what type of bird he was, but all attention to the cat was diverted to the top of the tree.

This little bird was mesmerizing. At first he was whistling and popping, then he would make a whirling sound, then something else.

I got to thinking. I wonder if this bird sees me and the cat and is letting out a distress call. Maybe he's just looking for a mate, or even maybe hes just happy and singing. At any rate, the bird was amazing! From time to time, I thought he almost sounded like one of those annoying car alarms that go off in the middle of the night (probably from the same cat sitting at my feet). You know the alarm, the one that sounds the world tour of police sirens?

This bird would mix it up, and alternate back and forth from different sets of sounds. At times he would do the same thing 5- 6 times, then another sound 5- 6 times, then alternate between the two in rapid succession. Other times he wouldn't have any rhyme or reason. I realized that I hardly take the time to even hear the birds chirping, let alone take some time to really listen to it and develop patterns in the vocalization.

Suddenly i realized a good 5 -10 minutes have passed with me standing in my driveway, staring at what seems like the sky, without movement at 8am in my nursing scrubs. After i surveyed the neighborhood to see who might be watching me space out, I realized how I had been mesmerized by the bird. In my own little world listening to the song. Sounds cheesy I know, but I am just glad that I still have the ability to ground myself like that. I think we all can use that from time to time.

Take time to listen to the birds some morning.


Brittany said...

Hey Brady. Good to see you back on blogger, AND facebook. I completely agree with you. Not that I am really that old or anything, but I feel that as I get older I learn to appreciate the little things more. The trees blowing in the wind, and the noise they make. Or even seeing my shadow on the sidewalk. Yes, agreed, sounds lame, but I am so grateful that I am able to see stuf like that and appreciate it!

Nona’s Other Blog said...

We have birds that sound like they're Punjabi when the talk to each other...

Elizabeth said...

Hi Brady! It will be fun to catch up with you here. I am living in Hawaii now. Hope all is well.